
Novena to St. Joseph Cupertino and Special Prayer for Exams - Patron of Students, Pilots and Disabled

Pope Francis “Love the people that God has given to your charge,even when they have committed grave sins....Reception is for all without discrimination,”

New Archbishop of Sydney : Anthony Fisher OP of Parramatta Diocese Australia

Pope Francis "...the very door that opens us to the Lord’s caress, His forgiveness, to His Word 'Go in peace, your faith has saved you!',

Today's Mass Readings : Thursday September 18, 2014

Free Catholic Movie : The Reluctant Saint : Stars Maximilian Schell about St. Joseph Cupertino

Saint September 18 : St. Joseph of Cupertino : Patron of Students, Pilots and Mentally Handicapped

Catholic Quote to SHARE by St. Francis of Assis "Lord, make me a instrument of you peace..."

Latest Vatican Information Service News and Pope Francis