
Catholic Church in Portugal to Give Financial Compensation for Victims of Abuse as Announced by the Portuguese Bishops' Conference

Saint April 12 : St. Zeno a Heroic Bishop and Confessor from Africa - Patron Saint of Fishermen and Newborn Babies

Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington DC, Praises the Pope's New Document on Human Dignity

#BreakingNews Bishop-Elect Dies Suddenly at Age 59 and Shocks Scotland's Catholic Church

Pope Francis says "Every human being has the right to live" and Laments when "the unborn with disabilities are aborted"

Master Class for Contemporary Catholic Music Ministers by Jon Niven of Naples, Florida

Catholic Relief Services Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire and Permanent End of War in Gaza as it Increases Aid to the Region

Pope Francis says Jesus Leads to "identify with the suffering: "I was sick and you visited me" and "to join our sufferings to His offer of salvation, as a seed that bears fruit." FULL TEXT to Biblical Commission

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Thursday, April 11, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint April 11 : St. Stanislaus a Bishop who was Killed during Mass by the King - Patron Saint of Poland, Soldiers in Battle : Bishop and Martyr

Saint April 11 : St. Gemma Galgani who Bore the Wounds of Christ - Patron Saint of Students, Pharmacists, Tuberculosis Patients, Love and Hope

Catholic Bishops of India Introduce Education Guidelines for its Over 14,000 Schools to Accommodate Students of other Faiths

Catholic Bishops' of Australia Release a New National Code of Conduct

Pope Francis' Historic Title "Patriarch of the West" or Patriarca dell'Occidente has been Revived

Catholic Order of Malta Condemns Israeli Attack Against World Central Kitchen's Humanitarian Convoy in Gaza

Pope Francis Meets with Families of Hostages from Israel at the Vatican

LISTEN to a Jubilant Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven Rejoice) Sung in an Empty Church with Stunning Images of Art

Pope Francis has Granted a Plenary Indulgence for Participants in the US National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and the National Eucharistic Congress

Why are Catholics still saying Happy Easter? What Day does Easter Officially End?

Pope Francis says "May the Lord give us peace. War is everywhere!...But let us ask the Lord for peace, and may we not forget these brothers and sisters of ours who suffer greatly in these war-torn places."