
#BreakingNews Kidnapped Catholic Priest found Dead - RIP Father John Adeyi - Please Pray

Novena to St. John the Baptist - SHARE this Prayer - #StJohntheBaptist

#PopeFrancis "We offer a credible witness that God is love and mercy." FULL TEXT - Video at Prayer with Karekin II in Armenia

#PopeFrancis to Diplomats in Armenia "The Catholic Church wishes to cooperate actively..." FULL TEXT

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Friday June 24, 2016 - St. John the Baptist

#BreakingNews Pope Francis talks about #Brexit Decision to leave the EU by Great Britain on Plane Interview with Journalists

#PopeFrancis Arrives in Armenia and is Welcomed by the President - FULL Video

Saint June 24 : Birth of St. John the Baptist : Patron of #Baptism , Epilepsy and Motorways

#PopeFrancis "As servant of the Gospel and a messenger of peace I desire to come..." FULL TEXT Special message