
Saint November 20 : St. Edmund the Martyr : Patron of: against Plague, Kings, torture victims, wolves

Wow #PopeFrancis hosts 1500 for Lunch for World Day for the Poor and sets up Field Hospital on #Vatican Grounds!

Free Catholic Movie : Mother Teresa of Calcutta- Full Film - #MotherTeresa

#PopeFrancis "I hope that the poor will be at the center of our them we encounter Jesus," #Angelus - FULL TEXT + Video

#PopeFrancis "In the poor, Jesus knocks on the doors of our heart' Mass on World Day of the #Poor - FULL TEXT/VIDEO

Quote to SHARE by #MotherTeresa "Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted...let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work."

#ArchBishop Fisher "millions of Australians still stand by the conviction that marriage is...between a man and woman." Australia - FULL TEXT

Sunday Mass Online : Sun. November 19, 2017 - #Eucharist - Readings + Video - 33rd Ord. Time - A

#BreakingNews 66,000 fill Stadium for Beatification of Solanus Casey - Humble Franciscan Priest on the way to Sainthood

Saint November 19 : St. Mechtilde : #Benedictine

Pope Francis to #Clergy "..led to Christ every day also in the filial relation with our Mother, Mary Most Holy, especially in...the Rosary." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Awards #Ratzinger Prize to Winners - for the 1st Time to a non-Theological endeavor - FULL Video

#PopeFrancis "man is the image and likeness of a God who created the world for love" FULL TEXT on Anthropology

Quote to SHARE by St. John Chrysostom "No one has ever been accused for not providing ornaments, but for those who neglect their neighbor a hell awaits..."