
Pope Francis to Deaf "I hope that in every diocese you, as deaf people, together with the pastoral agents prepared in sign language..." FULL TEXT

Saint September 29 : #Archangels : St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael : Patrons of Protection, Travel and Art

Pope Francis on Art "The beauty of art enriches life and creates communion, because it unites God, man and creation in a single symphony." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis on Unity "... all Christians are called to realize by walking together, praying together and working together, waiting for the Lord ..." FULL TEXT

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Friday September 28, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint September 28 : St. Wenceslaus : #Duke and #Martyr

Pope Francis to G20 Inter-Religious Dialogue "...we can all work together as God's instruments to protect..." FULL TEXT

#Novena to St. Vincent de Paul - Litany and Prayers to SHARE

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Thursday September 27, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint September 27 : St. Vincent de Paul : Patron of #Charities; #Horses; #Hospitals; #Leprosy; #Prisoners; Spiritual help; Volunteers

Pope Francis "God speaks with the language of love, of care, of free service to those in need." FULL TEXT + Video at Audience