
Vatican Archbishop Tells United Nations "Just as there is no right to abortion, there is also no right to euthanasia" FULL TEXT at UN

Pope Francis Explains "The proof of prayer is the real love of one’s neighbour." FULL TEXT + Video

Wow Thousands on the Streets in the US and Canada forming Annual Life Chains for the Pro-Life Cause - #LifeChain

Irish Primate Archbishop Martin Praises Pope's New Encyclical Saying it is a Must-Read - FULL TEXT

Novena to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary - Powerful Prayers to the Mother of Jesus

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - Your Virtual Church - Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

Saint October 7 : Our Lady of the Rosary who helped defeat an army at the Battle of Lepanto

Bishops of Australia Praise Pope Francis' New Encyclical Noting Keys of Friendship and Solidarity - FULL TEXT

#BreakingNews Ireland Moves to Level 3 due to COVID and Suspends All Public Mass Across the Country

Bishop Raymond Tapiwa Mupandasekwa Criticizes Government Treatment of Doctors in Zimbabwe

#BreakingNews Mobs of Thousands Attack Christian Homes in India - VIDEO - Please Pray