
Holy Mass Readings and Video : Saturday September 16, 2023 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Church

Saint September 16 : St. Cornelius a Pope who Resisted an Anti-Pope - BIOGRAPHY - Patron Saint of Fever, Pets and Earache with Prayer

Saint September 16 : St. Cyprian the Church Father who Converted from Paganism and became a Bishop and Martyr from Africa - BIOGRAPHY

Pope Francis Remembers Our Lady of Sorrows saying "Our Lady of Sorrows teaches us that if we maintain our relationship with God, life does not spare us suffering."

Quote to SHARE by St. Pope John Paul II "Turn your eyes incessantly to the Blessed Virgin; she, who is the Mother of Sorrows and also the Mother of Consolation..."

US Bishops for National Migration Week Recall the Pope's Theme “Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay”

Cardinal Mario Grech Calls on the Faithful to Pray for the Synod which Begins in the Vatican on October 4th

Pope Francis Appoints Fr. Antonino Spadaro as New Undersecretary at the Dicastery for Culture and Education - Fr. Gonçalves will takes over at "La Civiltà Cattolica"

LISTEN to a Breathtaking Hymn Stabat Mater Honoring Our Sorrowful Mother Sung by Amazing Youth Choir it Will Touch Your Heart!

Pope Francis says "We should not assume the role of the devil but of Jesus. We are students of the school of Jesus" - "enthusiastic witnesses who radiate the Gospel “in life through life” FULL TEXT

Powerful PRAYERS to Our Lady of Sorrows with Novena, Litany and Rosary and Promises to Share!

Saint September 15 : St. Catherine of Genoa a Mystic who Saw the Suffering of the Souls of Purgatory!

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Friday September 15, 2023 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Church

Saint September 15 : Our Lady of Sorrows - Remembering how Mary Suffered with Jesus!

Pope Francis to Speak at the Clinton Global Initiative - Especially to Patrons of the Vatican's Children's Hospital

Wow LISTEN to a Hauntingly Beautiful Choir and Orchestra Sing "Hymnus Sanctae Crucis - In laudibus" in Honor of the Holy Cross

Pope Francis says "True ecumenism is realized on a journey." "we have to walk together, pray together and work together....serve the poor, help Christian and non-Christian communities." FULL TEXT

Quote to SHARE by St. John Vianney - "I tell you that you have less to suffer in following the cross than in serving the world..."

Powerful Prayers Remembering the Sufferings of Jesus for Love of You! Litany and Novena of the Holy Cross

Pope Francis Receives King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium at the Vatican

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Thursday September 14, 2023 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint September 14 : The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Feast - Remembering the Cross that Jesus Died on for Our Sins!

World Famous Soccer Player Ronaldo Nazário is Baptized into the Catholic Church!