
Pope Francis says "Jesus taught us that the truth sets us free, and He said it to people who struggled to accept His new way of reading the Scriptures...." to Students and Teachers

Catholic Bishop of Utah Calls for Upholding of the Seal of Confession in Legislation

Saint February 3 : St. Blaise a Bishop Famous for Miraculous Healings and Known for Special Blessing of Throats!

Pope Francis Asks "Are we not at times too caught the intense rhythm of daily life to the point of forgetting...God..?"- "Every day the Lord visits us, speaks to us, reveals himself in unexpected ways..." FULL TEXT on Presentation Feast

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie - CATHERINE - Drama about the Visionary Nun in France

Pope Francis says "Let us not forget that every Christian is called to take part in this universal mission by offering his or her own witness to the Gospel in every context..."

LISTEN to Music that Will Touch Your Soul "Adorna Thalamum" for the Presentation Feast or Candlemas by Lassus

Pope Francis Watches a Folkloric Dance of the Italy-China Federation saying to the Artists become “acrobats of peace and fraternity”.

Looking for Success? Say this Prayer to Our Lady of Good Success - Miracle Novena to Our Lady of Good Success

Novena for the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the Temple - Official Novena with Plenary Indulgence to Share!

Feast Day February 2 : Our Lady of Good Success - who Prophesized the Future of the Church!

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life - Special Prayer Resources to Encourage Vocations!

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : 1st Friday, February 2, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - Presentation of the Lord Feast

Feast Day February 2 : Presentation of Child Jesus in the Temple - Known as Candlemas or Purification of Mary