
Pope Francis Reveals that he was "used" during the Conclave to Try to Prevent Benedict XVI's Election - in New Book

Tammy Peterson Enters the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil after a Conversion and Healing through the Power of the Rosary

Why is Easter Monday also Known as Angel Monday?

Pope Francis says "Jesus broke through the darkness...So, let us hasten to seek Him in the Eucharist, in His forgiveness, in prayer and in lived charity!" on Easter Monday

Did You Know? APRIL is Dedicated to the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit - 2 Short Powerful Prayers to Say this Month!

SAINTS of April - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month of April - Inspiring Stories to Share!

Quote to SHARE by Saint Pope John Paul II "We are the Easter people and Hallelujah is our song." #JP2

Easter Monday Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday, April 1, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint April 1 : St. Hugh of Grenoble a Carthusian Bishop known for Preaching and his Generosity to the Poor

WATCH Catholic Movie : Romero - The True Story of St Oscar Romero

Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven) Explained - Prayer that Replaces the Angelus at Easter - Legend says Pope Gregory Heard Angels Pray this to End a Pestilence in Rome!

FULL TEXT - Pope Francis' Easter Blessing URBI et ORBI "Jesus Christ is risen!" - "May the risen Christ open a path of peace for the war-torn peoples" VIDEO - Vatican

TOP 10 EASTER Songs of All Time - LISTEN to Amazing Traditional Hymns - Share Music that Still Inspires!

Pope Francis at Easter Sunday Mass with 30,000 People "May we be reborn in the light of life, renewed by your Spirit" and 35,000 Donated Flowers - VIDEO

Traditional Easter Basket Blessing Explained - A Beautiful Way to Celebrate Christ's Resurrection Easter with Prayers to Bless Your Easter Food!

Free Easter Bread RECIPE - Traditional Recipe of Braided Bread to Symbolize Jesus!