
Wow LISTEN to the Beautiful Music Hidden in the Mantle of Our Lady of Guadalupe!

Saint December 12 : Our Lady of Guadalupe - True Story of the Guadalupe Miracle that Converted 6 Million People! Patroness of Americas + Unborn

Saint December 7 : St. Ambrose Bishop and Doctor of the Church who Baptized St. Augustine and the Patron of Candle makers, Pets, Students

Wow Actor Kirk Cameron Defends Santa Claus and Catholic Traditional History of #SaintNicholas to Share!

Powerful Prayers to Saint Nicholas with Novena + Chaplet - Caminata de los Tres Lunes - Traditional #StNicholas Prayers to Share!

St. Nicholas Day Recipe - German #Klauskerl Bread - #StNicholas Recipe

Saint December 6 : Saint Nicholas - The Real #SantaClaus Biography and Patron Saint of Children, Sailors, Prostitutes, Thieves - History of St Nicholas

Saint November 30 : St. Andrew Apostle - Brother of St. Peter and the Patron of Fishermen, Singers, Scotland, Russia

Saint November 21 : The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple by her Parents - #BVM

Feast Day November 9 : Saint John Lateran : the Basilica Dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist

Saint November 7 : St. Willibrord a Bishop who Begged the Pope to Preach in Un-Christian Nations and Patron of Convulsions; Epilepsy; Netherlands

Saint November 1 : All Saints Day - a Solemnity Remembering All Those Who Are in Heaven!

Halloween Explained - 5 Things You Need to Know about the Origins of this Feast and Should You Go Trick or Treating? VIDEO