
1 Million Children Praying the Rosary for Peace in the World - How You can JOIN with Free Resources in Different Languages

Pope Francis on Year of Dante "...fascination of that which is true, beautiful and good, ultimately the fascination of God, makes its powerful attraction felt." FULL TEXT

Sunday Mass Online - Readings and Video : Sunday, October 11, 2020 - Your Virtual Church

Saint October 11 : Saint John XXIII the Pope who started Vatican Council II and Patron of Christian Unity

Blessed Carlo Acutis a Cool Techie Teen Gamer has been Beatified in Italy and is a Saintly Example for Millenials - FULL Mass Video

Wow Award Winning New Movie "Pray" about Fr. Patrick Peyton - Receives Rave Reviews and Endorsement from Cardinal - Watch Trailer

#BreakingNews Powerful Video Statement by Archbishop of New Orleans on Desecration of Altar, which was then Burned, and Abuse by Priests - FULL TEXT

25 Civilian People Killed in Attack on Humanitarian Convoy in Burkina Faso, Africa - Please Pray

US Bishops Call for Increase Funding for Security in Houses of Worship in Response to Recent Vandalism - FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Saturday, October 10, 2020 - Your Virtual Church

Saint October 10 : St. Francis Borgia a Jesuit and Patron of Earthquakes and Portugal

Quote to SHARE by St. Mother Teresa : "People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered; Forgive them anyway...."