
What is Baptism - A Gift of God - SHARE with Everyone

Pope Francis at Mass for Baptism of Jesus - Baptizes 33 Babies - LIVE from Vatican

Sunday Mass Online : January 10, 20115 - Baptism of Jesus

Saint January 11 : St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch : Abbot and Founder

Wow Pope Francis raffles off Gifts to help the Poor - including a car...

Pope Francis "...3 solid pillars: the human person, ecclesial communion, and the local Church.”

Over 10 Million Catholics Honor Jesus in Procession of Black Nazarene in Philippines

Today's Mass Readings : Saturday Januray 10, 2015

Saint January 10 : St. William of Bourges : Cistercian Bishop

#BreakingNews Paris Terrorists Killed by Police - 4 Hostages Killed in Store - Please PRAY

Pope Francis "...thousands of yoga or zen courses and all these things. But none of this will be able to give you the freedom..."

Breaking News 2,000 Feared Killed as Extremists Take Over and Burn entire town in Nigeria - Please PRAY