
St. Dymphna : Virgin and Martyr : Patron of #Mental Illness and Incest - Novena Prayers and Litany to Share!

#BreakingNews Another Attack against Catholics in Prayer Procession leaves 4 Killed in Burkina Faso - Please Pray

Pope Francis explains "From the forgiveness of Jesus on the cross comes peace, true peace.." FULL TEXT + Video

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - #Eucharist in Eastertide

Saint May 15 : St. Isidore the Farmer - Patron of #Farmers - Miracle Worker

Novena to St. Matthias, Apostle - Patron of Alcoholics - Sailors - Carpenters

#BreakingNews Families mourn as 5 Children Killed while playing near a Monastery in Syria

RIP Actor Tim Conway - Death of Famous Comedian who Converted to the Catholic Faith

Pope Francis Authorizes Decrees bringing 8 people Closer to Officially recognized Sainthood

Bishop Barron on Abuse Crisis explains "..why this is not the time to leave, but the time to stay..." - Video @BishopBarron

#BreakingNews Catholic Church Attacked and Priest Wounded in Niger - Please Pray

Wow 5,000 People gather for March for Life UK in London with Powerful Pro-Life Testimonies

Vatican Exorcism Course was Opened to Anglicans, Lutherans, and Pentecostals