
Catholic Church Welcomed Families of Hostages of Beth Israel Synagogue and Community Joins in Prayer after Release

Blessings for Pets and All Domestic Animals - Prayers for God's Protection on Our Furry or Feathered Friends!

Saint January 17 : Our Lady of Hope (Pontmain) a Pontifically Approved Apparition of Mary from 1871 who said “But pray, my children. God will hear you in a short time."

US Bishops' Statement on Martin Luther King Jr. Day "...let us continue to draw from Rev. King’s wisdom, especially his commitment to the Beatitudes of Jesus, and the principles of nonviolence and love for our enemies."

Pope Francis explains "...God's grace always opens to hope, hope of fraternity and of peace..." to Custodians of the Holy Land

Martin Luther King Jr. - 5 Amazing Facts You Might not Know and What Pope Paul VI said After his Death to SHARE

Pope Francis Looks Forward to the 1700th Anniversary of Nicea and says "The world needs God’s light, and that light shines only in love, in communion and in fraternity."

Holy Mass Online : Monday, January 17, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint January 17 : St. Anthony the Great an Abbot and the Patron of Amputees; Butchers; Epilepsy; Graveyards; Monks; Pigs; Skin diseases

Free Christian Movie : The Life of Jesus Christ - Drama - Watch Full Film in HD

Novena to the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague - A Powerful Prayer to Share!

Saint January 16 : St. Joseph Vaz : an Oratorian Missionary Priest of India who Spread the Faith in Sri Lanka

Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague History from 1556 - 5 Things to Know and Share!

Novena to Santo Nino of Cebu - Miracle Prayer to the Divine Child Jesus