
Pope Francis Thanks Our Lady at Church for a Successful Trip to Hungary with a Gift for Her from the Vatican's Ambassador Eduard Habsburg

Pope Francis Interview On Plane Back to Rome - He says the Holy See will Help in the Return of Ukraine's Children from Russia and Answers Questions - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Leaves Hungary with a Farewell Ceremony and Receives a Unique Homemade Gift from the President Katalin Novák before Parting

Pope Francis Warns of "a future dominated by technology" but says "with a humble heart, we can climb not only the mountain of the Lord, but also scale the heights of science.”

Saint April 30 : St. Marie of the Incarnation a Widow who Left her Son with her Sister to Go and Found the Ursulines Nuns in Canada

Pope Francis at Mass with 50,000 says "Jesus the Good Shepherd calls us by name and cares for us with infinitely tender love." FULL TEXT + Video in Hungary

Pope Francis Asks Our Lady, "Queen of Peace, instill in the hearts of peoples and their leaders the desire to build peace....not war, a future full of cradles not tombs..." FULL TEXT in Hungary

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Sunday, April 30, 2023 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint April 30 : St. Pius V a Dominican Pope and Reformer who Helped the Poor and Died 1572

Pope Francis Meets with Russia's Orthodox Metropolitan Archbishop Hilarion of Budapest and Hungary

Pope Francis Visits the Byzantine Rite Greek- Catholic Church in Hungary - Listens to the Beautiful Choir and Imparts a Blessing - VIDEO

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie : St. Catherine of Siena - Drama with English Subtitles

Wow Pope Francis Tells 11,000 Youth - Jesus "is always" by "your side" and "prayer is dialogue with Jesus, just as Mass is an encounter with him, and Confession is the embrace"

Saint Catherine - The Bride of Christ - Insights into the Great Love of Jesus that we can Learn! - by Dr. Gary D. Knight

Pope Francis says "...a lesson for the whole Church: it is not enough to provide bread to fill stomachs; we need to fill people’s hearts! - "with the love of Jesus" at Meet with Poor and Refugees

Easy Novena to St. Catherine of Siena - Powerful Prayer to the Patron Saint of Television, Nurses, Miscarriages, Temptation and Europe

Touching Moments as Pope Francis Visits with Disabled Children in Hungary at the Blessed László Batthyány-Strattmann Catholic Social Institution - VIDEO

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Saturday, April 29, 2023 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Novena to Saint Gianna Beretta Molla - Powerful Prayers to the Patron Saint of Unborn Babies , Mothers , and Physicians

Saint April 29 : St Catherine of Siena who was an Advisor to Popes and a Doctor of the Church - Patron Saint of Television, Nurses and Europe

#BreakingNews Bishop and Priests Miraculously Safe after 2 Rockets Hit the Cathedral in Sudan, Africa, while they were Praying before the Eucharist

Pope Francis Tells Religious "...offer the Holy People of God the face of the Father and create a family spirit..." but Warns of "Gossip" and "Soft Paganism" in Hungary FULL TEXT

US Catholic Bishops’ Pro-Life Chairman Responds to Vote on Equal Rights Amendment FULL TEXT

Diocese of Lansing Responds as Former Priest Rev Vincent DeLorenzo, Age 84, Pleads Guilty to Abuse - his Actions were "gravely immoral as they were illegal"

Saint April 28 St. Peter Chanel who "...had a heart of gold with the simple faith of a child, and he led the life of an angel."- Patron Saint of #Oceania

During Pope Francis' in Flight Interview with Journalists he calls Accusations against Pope St John Paul II "nonsense"