
Bl. Cyprian Michael Tansi a Convert from Nigeria who became a Priest and Ministered to the Poor and Sick - Saint January 20

RIP - The Oldest Catholic Priest in Nigeria Dies at Age 104

Catholic Nun Wins $1.2 Million Opus Prize Awarded in the Silicon Valley - Sister Francisca Ngozi Uti of Nigeria

#BreakingNews Catholic Priest is Kidnapped in Nigeria - Please Pray for Fr. Basil Gbuzuo

#BreakingNews 2 Catholic Priests are Kidnapped in Nigeria, Africa - Please Pray for Fr. Ken and Fr. Jude"s Release!

Thousands of Christians in Nigeria March in Protest after Over 200 Christians were Killed on Christmas Eve

#BreakingNews a Catholic Studying to be a Priest is Burned Alive in Nigeria and Another is Kidnapped - RIP Seminarian Danlami

#BreakingNews a Young Catholic Priest is Killed in Nigeria - RIP Father Charles Onomhoale Igechi

Christian Solidarity Reports 33 Killed including 14 Children and a 5-Year-Old Beheaded in Nigeria, Africa

#BreakingNews a New Report Reveals Over 50,000 Christians have been Killed in Nigeria and 18,000 Churches Set on Fire since 2009

Saint January 20 : Bl. Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi a Priest from Nigeria who Ministered to the Poor, the Lonely, and the Sick

#BreakingNews a Priest, Fr Peter Ochang, and Several Catholics are Kidnapped in Nigeria with a 30 Million Naira Ransom Demand - Please Pray!

#BreakingNews a Catholic Priest has been Kidnapped by Terrorists - Please Pray for Fr. Abraham Kunat

Three People Killed after a Sunday Attack on a Christian Church Service in Nigeria

#BreakingNews Another Catholic Priest is Kidnapped in Nigeria - Please Pray for the Release of Fr. Joseph Igweagu