
Pope Francis at Epiphany Mass says "The star led the Magi to Bethlehem...We too, by our love, can bring to Jesus the people that we meet" FULL TEXT Homily + Video

Pope Francis says Listen to the Voice of Mary in All Moments "Do not be afraid, am I not here, I who am your Mother?" on Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day Mass

Pope Francis at Mass on Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception says "Jesus himself gave her to us as our mother" with New Cardinals - FULL TEXT + Video

FULL TEXT Homily of Pope Francis at the Easter Vigil "Return to Him, rediscover the grace of the resurrection of God in you! " with Baptism of 8 People - VIDEO

Pope Francis' Palm Sunday Homily "Christ took this to the cross, taking upon himself the sin of the world." Why? "For Us" FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis' Homily "Without God, without his grace, we are not healed of our sin. His grace is the source of our change." on Solemnity of St. Paul - FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis' Homily "Here is our King, King of each of us, King of the universe..." and he Recommends the Daily Prayer - "Jesus, remember me." FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis' Homily "Let us light candles of hope in the midst of darkness. Amid dramatic situations, let us seize opportunities to bear witness to the Gospel of joy..." on World Day of the Poor - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "Let us ask ourselves: do I live what I say in the Creed, "I await - that is - the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come"?" FULL TEXT Homily All Souls' Day Mass