
Today's Mass Readings and Video : Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - #Eucharist in Eastertide

Saint May 15 : St. Isidore the Farmer - Patron of #Farmers - Miracle Worker

Novena to St. Matthias, Apostle - Patron of Alcoholics - Sailors - Carpenters

#BreakingNews Families mourn as 5 Children Killed while playing near a Monastery in Syria

RIP Actor Tim Conway - Death of Famous Comedian who Converted to the Catholic Faith

Pope Francis Authorizes Decrees bringing 8 people Closer to Officially recognized Sainthood

Bishop Barron on Abuse Crisis explains "..why this is not the time to leave, but the time to stay..." - Video @BishopBarron

#BreakingNews Catholic Church Attacked and Priest Wounded in Niger - Please Pray

Wow 5,000 People gather for March for Life UK in London with Powerful Pro-Life Testimonies

Vatican Exorcism Course was Opened to Anglicans, Lutherans, and Pentecostals

Christian Coptic Orthodox Priest Murdered in Egypt - RIP Fr. Makad Saad

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - #Eucharist in Eastertide

Saint May 14 : St. Matthias Apostle - Patron of #Alcoholics and Carpenters

BREAKING Pope Francis Authorizes Official Pilgrimages to Medjugorje

Vatican Cardinal crawls in Manhole to Restore Electricity to Building with over 400 people

RIP Actress Doris Day who grew up in the Catholic Faith - Death at age 97

What is the Miracle of the Sun of Fatima - A Miracle witnessed by 70,000 in 1917 on October 13

RIP Patriarch Emeritus Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir - Death of former Leader of Maronite Catholics at age 99