
Pope Francis Sends Letter to Bishops of France at Plenary Assembly “Do not doubt that the people of France await the Good News of Christ, they need it..."

Pope Francis Meets with President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas and They Discuss a 2-State Solution with Israel - VIDEO

Wow Super Cute Reaction of Actor David Henrie's Daughter after Receiving Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe! VIDEO

Homily of Pope Francis "We ask for the strength to know how to live in the gentle and trusting silence that awaits the salvation of the Lord, without complaining..." FULL TEXT + Video

US Bishops' Letter to Congress on Build Back Better Act Calls for Removal of Abortion and Euthanasia Funding " would be a calamity if the....provisions...funding the destruction of unborn human life."

Pope Francis says "The protection of minors is ever more concretely an ordinary priority in the educational action of the Church..." to Conference for Safeguarding of Children

Quote to SHARE by St. Charles Borromeo "Be sure that you first preach by the way you live."

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Thursday, November 4, 2021 - In Your Virtual Church

Saint November 4 : St. Charles Borromeo the Patron of Catechists, Catechumens, Seminarians

Pope Francis' November Prayer Intention for "People Who Suffer from Depression We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn-out will find support and a light..." FULL TEXT + Video

US Bishops’ Chairman Affirms Renewed Termination of Migrant Protection Protocols, Urges Further Steps to Improve Treatment of Vulnerable Migrants - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Emphasizes Scripture Passage "Brethren, if someone is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness...." at Catechesis FULL TEXT

Quote to SHARE by St. Martin de Porres "Always consider others as more holy and more worthy than you, at the same time strive to be as holy as you can be."

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - Eucharist In Your Virtual Church

FULL TEXT Message of Pope Francis to COP26 "All too many of our brothers and sisters are suffering from this climate crisis."

Saint November 3 : Saint Martin de Porres a Dominican and Patron of Black people, Social Justice, Hair Stylists, Public Education