
Pope Francis says "Jesus, Mary and Joseph are in a sense the primordial nucleus of the Church." at Audience Catechesis - FULL TEXT + Video

Holy Mass Online : Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint February 16 : St. Onesimus : Martyr and Former Slave to Philemon who was Converted by St. Paul

Wow Dramatic Cat Rescue from Vatican Square's Colonnade of Bernini - VIDEO

Short Prayer of St. Claude de la Colombiere to Find Peace and Hope in God Despite Anxieties of the World

Remembering the Saintly 21 Coptic Christians Killed on Feb. 15 by Terrorists who are Now Martyrs of the Coptic Church

New Statistics Reveal Growth in Catholics Worldwide to 1.36 Billion People an Increase of 1.2%

Pope Francis Issues New Motu Proprio Giving Greater Authority to Bishops and Greater Decentralization

Government of France Reports New Statistics of 1,659 Anti-Religious Acts in 2021

#Quote to SHARE by St. Claude de la Colombiere "God is more honored by a single Mass than He could be by all the actions..."

Holy Mass Online : Tuesday, February 15, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint February 15 : St. Claude de la Colombiere a Jesuit Missionary Preacher and Patron of Toy makers, Turners

Wow Catholic Chocolate! Ferrero Founder's Success Due to Our Lady of Lourdes - Kinder, Nutella and TicTacs included...

Pope Francis Issues New Motu Proprio “Fidem servare” Modifying Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Allowing Disciplinary Arm for Abuse Cases

RIP Bishop Remi de Roo - Death of the Bishop Emeritus of Victoria, BC at Age 97 - Funeral Video

#BreakingNews Political Activists Storm Church and Disrupt Holy Mass with Protest - Archbishop Responds - FULL TEXT + VIDEO

Powerful Prayers to St. Valentine the Patron of Love, Marriage and Fiancées with Novena Prayer to Share!

Saint February 14 : St. Cyril and St. Methodius the Patrons of Ecumenism, Unity of Eastern and Western Churches