
Saint April 22 : St. Opportuna a Virgin and Abbess whose Brother was a Saintly Bishop

Pro-Life Victory as Pro-life Legislation Succeeds in Two Key States

How to Gain a Plenary Indulgence on Divine Mercy Sunday - 4 Easy Steps

Pope Francis Meets with 55 Métis from Canada and Repeats Apology

Pope Francis Joins UN and Ukraine Major Archbishop in Appeal for Peace in Ukraine at Easter on April 24th, According to the Julian Calendar

RIP Vicki Thorn - Death of the Pro-Life Hero and Foundress of Project Rachel, Vicki Thorn at 72

Secretary of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is Infected with COVID - Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Age 65, is in Isolation

Pope Francis Receives Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán at the Vatican and Gifts him a Bronze Plaque

Quote to SHARE by St. Anselm "God does not delay to hear our prayers because He has no mind to give; but ... He may give us the more largely."

Pope Francis says "...Catholic education is also evangelization: bearing witness to the joy of the Gospel and its power to renew our communities and provide hope.." FULL TEXT

Easter Thursday Mass Online - Readings and Video : Thursday, April 21, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint April 21 : St. Anselm a Doctor of the Church and Archbishop of Canterbury who Argued for the Existence of God

RIP Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragán - Death of Cardinal from Mexico in Rome at Age 89 - Pope Francis Sends Condolences