
Wow Football Fans Form Prayer Chain Around Hospital of FIFA's Greatest Pelé - Soccer's Edson Arantes do Nascimento of Brazil

US Religion Census Shows Catholics are the Largest Religion with Over 61 Million in the USA and are Growing!

Pope Francis' Charity at the Vatican is Collecting Warm Winter Clothing for People in Ukraine which Lack's Electricity and Gas

Wow Actor Kirk Cameron Defends Santa Claus and Catholic Traditional History of #SaintNicholas to Share!

Powerful Prayers to Saint Nicholas with Novena + Chaplet - Caminata de los Tres Lunes - Traditional #StNicholas Prayers to Share!

Pope Francis Issues a New Motu Proprio to Better Control the Funds of the Vatican and its Foundations

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Tuesday, December 6, 2022 in Advent - Eucharist In Your Virtual Church - Memorial of St Nicholas

St. Nicholas Day Recipe - German #Klauskerl Bread - #StNicholas Recipe

For the 1st Time in it's History the European Parliament Installs a Christian Nativity at its Brussels Headquarters

Saint December 6 : Saint Nicholas - The Real #SantaClaus Biography and Patron Saint of Children, Sailors, Prostitutes, Thieves - History of St Nicholas

#BreakingNews 20,000 at the Pro-Life March for Life in Malta

TOP Advent Songs of All Time to SHARE - Beautiful #Advent Music to Prepare your Heart for Christmas!

Diocese of Lansing's Statement after Fr David Rosenberg is Charged for Alleged Embezzlement of $830,000 from 3 Priests

Saint December 5 : God's Scientist! Bl. Niels Stensen, a Convert who was a Famous Scientist and Became a Bishop Devoted to the Eucharist

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Monday, December 5, 2022 in Advent - Eucharist In Your Virtual Church

Saint December 5 : St. Sabbas who Entered a Monastery at Age 8 and became a Hermit - a Founder of Eastern Monasticism

VIDEO Magical Moments at the Vatican as the Christmas Tree and Nativity are Lit and Inaugurated

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie : "Grace, Guts and Glory" : Drama of #StFrancisXavier : Stars Karan Kodade

Special Prayers to St. Barbara and Novena to this Patron of Architects, Builders, Mathematicians, Miners, and Sudden Death

Saint December 4 : St. John Damascene a Doctor of the Church

Pope Francis says "Each of us needs to confess our own sins... Advent is a moment of grace to take off our masks...with Jesus, there is always the possibility of beginning again." FULL TEXT