
Pope Francis Tells Youth "You too, then, must not remain a “sleeping beauty”..." "The beauty that Jesus revealed to us is a splendour that communicates itself through action..."

Pope Francis' Representative in Germany Nuncio Nikola Eterovic Expresses Concerns over Synodal Way to German Bishops

Quote to SHARE by St Jerome “Martyrdom does not consist only in dying for one’s faith. Martyrdom also consists in serving God with love and purity..."

Persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua Heightens as President Daniel Ortega Calls the Church's Leaders "Tyrants"

Pope Francis says "Another testimony that Saint Thomas has left us was his deep relationship with God, which is manifested, for example, in the adoration of Jesus in his real presence in the Eucharist."

Catholic Bishops of Russia Call for End to the War "The only way out is peace and the only way to reach it is through dialogue"

Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma Concerned Over Scheduled Death Penalty for Mentally Ill Man Named Benjamin Cole

Death Toll Rises to 100 Killed Including 10 Children after Migrant Boat Sinks Near Lebanon

US Bishops' on Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions Signed Amid Highest Level of Forced Displacement Ever Recorded

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video Friday, September 30, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint September 30 : St. Jerome who Gave Us the 1st Translation of the Bible from Original Texts and the Patron of Librarians, Translators, Archeologists and Bible Scholars

Vatican Confirms Restrictions Imposed on Bishop Accused of Abuse who Won the Nobel Peace Prize

VIDEO - Pope Francis Reveals he was Asked to Help in a Prisoner Exchange between Russia and Ukraine of 300 People

Quote to SHARE by St John Chrysostom "When you are before the altar where Christ reposes, you ought no longer to think that you are amongst men; but believe that there are troops of angels and archangels standing by you..."

Pope Francis says "More than enough food resources are produced to feed 8 billion people. The question, however, refers to social justice, that is, to the way in which the management of resources and the distribution..."

#BreakingNews Arson Attack on a Catholic Cathedral in Bogota, Colombia by Abortion Advocates - VIDEO

Pope Francis says "Every educational institution is called to be a place of welcome, protection or accompaniment..."

Powerful Prayers to the Angels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael - Novena to the Archangels - Our Heavenly Protectors!