
Pope Francis says "We need, today above all, an ardent zeal for evangelization. For in proclaiming the Gospel together, we come to appreciate that we are brothers and sisters..."

US Bishops' Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Pope Francis to Buddhists "Dialogue unveils the profound richness that our respective religious traditions offer..."

Holy Mass Online : Thursday, January 19, 2023- #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint January 19 : St. Canute IV the Famous King of Denmark who was Martyred with 17 others during Holy Mass

Saint January 18 : St. Volusian a Married Bishop of Tours, in France, who Died in 496

Saint January 18 : Saint Jaime Hilario Barbal who entered Seminary at age 12 and said “To die for Christ, my young friends, is to live.”

Saint January 18 : Blessed Maria Teresa Fasce an Augustinian Nun who Established an Orphanage

Catholic Bishop Authorizes 1st Prayer for the Intercession of Pope Benedict XVI for Private Devotion

New World Watch List Reveals Statistics on Persecution of Christians and Top 50 Dangerous Countries for Christians

Death of Saintly Missionary Brother Biagio who Lived Like St. Francis - Thousands Attend Funeral - RIP Fratel Biagio Conte

Pope Francis Prays for Priest Burned to Death in Nigeria and Asks all to Pray for Peace

Friend of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Schönborn Criticizes Gänswein's Book which Reveals he Encouraged Acceptance of the Papal Election

Pope Francis says "Jesus, asks this of us – to always draw near to everyone with an open heart because he is like that." FULL TEXT

Thief Attempts Robbery at a Church but is Injured by its St. Michael the Archangel Statue

Holy Mass Online : Wednesday, January 18, 2023- #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint January 18 : Saint Margaret of Hungary - a Princess who became a Nun and Mystic who came from a Family of Saints