
Pope Francis Arrives Safely in Bratislava, Slovakia for his 34th Apostolic Visit and Receives a Warm Welcome - FULL Video

Pope Francis Meets with President of Hungary János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán upon Arrival - FULL VIDEO

Pope Francis says "I wish you this, may the cross be your bridge between the past and the future! Religious sentiment is the lifeblood of this nation..." at Angelus in Hungary - FULL TEXT

FULL TEXT Homily of Pope Francis "...let us allow our encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist to transform us, just as it transformed the great and courageous saints..." + Video at the Eucharistic Congress

Pope Francis Explains "Our voices, dear brothers and sisters, must not fail to echo that Word given us from Heaven, echoes of hope and peace." to Ecumenical Leaders in Hungary FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "Let us not forget that the encounter with Christ is at the center of the life of the Church. " FULL TEXT to Bishops in Hungary

Pope Francis Arrives Safely in Hungary - Papal Flight Encounter with Journalists on Plane and Receives Shirt of Christian Afghan who Fled

Sunday Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Sunday, September 12, 2021 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint September 12 : Feast of the Holy Name of Mary the Mother of Jesus

Wow from Fire Fighter at 9/11 to Monk to Catholic Priest - The Inspiring True Story of Fr. Tom Colucci

US Bishops' President Statement on the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks "We honor the dead by the way we live. And today we pray for..." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "Dear friends, the family is alive if it is united in prayer." FULL TEXT from Vatican

US Bishops Conference President Announces Emergency Collection for Natural Disasters in Wake of Hurricane Ida - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "...friendship with the Lord means living in communion with him, it is not only praying, but making life a prayer..." to Carmelites at Vatican

Beautiful Tribute to 9/11 Tragedy of 20 Years Ago + St. Pope John Paul II's Words - Remembering the Nearly 3000 that Died - RIP - #NeverForget

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Saturday, September 11, 2021 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint September 11 : St. John Gabriel Perboyre a Priest and Martyr of China of the Congregation of the Mission

Bishops of Mexico say "No woman should be forced to make the dramatic decision to resort to the practice of abortion, a situation that in a large number of cases leaves a profound sequel of pain."

U.S. Bishops’ Statement by Pro-Life Chairman on Supporting Pregnant and New Mothers "We stand with Pope Francis, who reminds us that killing a child is never a solution to a problem." FULL TEXT

Bishops' of the United Kingdom Issue Pro-Life Statement Calling for Catholics to Take Action in Opposition to Assisted Dying Bill - FULL TEXT Release

New Patriarch Elected for the Assyrian Church of the East - Mar Awa Royel is the 122nd Patriarch

Pope Francis says "A life of prayer and contemplation that allows you to contemplate the Mirror, which is Christ, to become yourself a mirror for others." FULL TEXT

US Bishops Launch New Initiative To Counter Polarization and Division "Civilize It - A Better Kind of Politics" - FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Friday, September 10, 2021 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint September 10 : St. Nicholas of Tolentino the Patron of Babies, Animals, and the Dying

International Eucharistic Congress - "The Church would not exist without the Eucharist"

#BreakingNews Catholic Priest who Ran an Orphanage and Cared for the Homeless Killed in Haiti - RIP Fr. André Sylvestre

Pope Francis says "..on the frontiers the Mother of the Lord has a specific presence: she is the Mother of all, regardless of ethnicity or nationality." FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Thursday, September 9, 2021 - In Your Virtual Church

Saint September 9 : St. Peter Claver the Patron of Racism, Slaves and African Americans

Free Christian Movie : Mary of #Nazareth - The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Watch Full Film

Pope Francis says "As brothers and sisters of Jesus, Mary is also our Mother. Let's form a family with Jesus and Mary!" FULL TEXT + Video from Vatican

Official Novena for the Birth of Mary, Blessed Virgin with Plenary Indulgence - Powerful Prayers to Share!

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Wednesday, September 8, 2021 - Birth of the Virgin Mary - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint September 8 : Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of Jesus - Happy Birthday #MotherMary!

Pope Francis' Joint Message with Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Welby on the Protection of Creation - FULL TEXT