
Saint July 24 : St. Christina of Bolsena - a Young Christian Martyr who Stood up to her Father's Pagan Beliefs and was Protected by Angels

Saint July 24 : Saint Charbel Makhlouf the Wonder-worker of the East - who Could Levitate and Patron of Maronites and Lebanon

Pope Francis Sends Greeting to President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella Amid Resignation of Italy's Prime Minister

Catholic Bishops of Chile Facing the Constitutional Proposal: "An informed discernment and a conscientious vote is necessary" FULL TEXT

Famous 15 Prayers and Promises on Passion of Christ are Powerful against Evil - from St. Bridget in Pieta Booklet

Catholic Church in Germany Expresses Dismay at Vatican's Attempts to Hinder the German Synodal Way - FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Saturday July 23, 2022 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint July 23 : St. Bridget of Sweden, Foundress, and the Patron of Widows and Europe

Catholic Cardinal Wilton Gregory Announces Implementation of Traditionis Custodes in the Archdiocese of Washington DC - FULL TEXT

Vatican Announces that Pope Francis Entrusted his Apostolic Journey to Canada to Our Lady

Catholic Bishops of the United Kingdom Release Initial Reflections on the Synod - "Seeking Our Hearts’ Desire" FULL TEXT

Wow Actor David Henrie Thanks God for his Greatest Gift - His 3rd Child and Reveals Her Saintly Name!

WATCH a New Short Film on the Life of Saintly Pauline Jaricot Through the Eyes of a Young Woman from Our Time

Bishops of Eastern Africa - AMECEA - Conclude their Plenary Assembly Themed “Environmental Impact on Integral Human Development”

Pope Francis' New Decree "Ad charisma tuendum," a Motu Proprio Changing the Structure of Opus Dei

Bishops of Guatemala Read the "Signs of the Times" and Appeal for Peace, Justice and Defense of "...human life in all its moments.." FULL TEXT

Indigenous Leadership of Host Nations and Survivors Address Media on Pope Francis' Visit to Canada