
Blessed Laura Vicuña of Chile who Died Offering her Life to Jesus for her Mother's Conversion! Saint of January 22

President Trump is Urged to Show Mercy by Episcopal Leader at Interfaith Service - VIDEO

Pope Francis Reminds When Giving Alms, Importance of the "relationship with the poor person, with poor Jesus there. Look at the eyes"

President Trump Signs Executive Order "restoring" the "biological reality" of Gender

Powerful Prayers to St. Agnes with Novena to Saint Agnes the Patron Saint of Girls, Engaged Couples, Gardeners, Rape Victims, Virgins, and Chastity

US Bishops to Review Trump's Executive Orders saying "care for immigrants, refugees, and the poor is part of the same teaching of the Church" FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday January 21 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church