
St Francis de Sales a Bishop who was Famous for his Great Advice! Patron Saint: Confessors, Deaf, Educators, Writers - Saint January 24

US Bishops' Chair Bishop Seitz says "non-emergency immigration enforcement in...schools, places of worship" - "would be contrary to the common good" USCCB

Pope Francis Sends Archbishop Gugerotti on Mission to Syria in Support as the Church Rebuilds

US Bishops' Pro-Life Chair Urges Vote for Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act - Protecting Innocent Babies from Infanticide is Necessary

President Trump Pardons 23 Pro-Life Advocates Arrested Under the F.A.C.E Act

Pope Francis says "we are guided by our Mother, Mary, who goes before us on the pilgrimage - who teaches us to hold – in our hearts the words and deeds of Jesus"

Bishops of Mexico Voice Concern Over President Trump's Immigration Policies

New Poll Reveals 67% of Americans Support Restrictions on Abortion

Pope Francis Highlights the Importance of Driving Safely with the goal “zero victims on the roads”

#BreakingNews March for Life Announces that Vice-President JD Vance is Among the 2025 Speakers! FULL LIST

Notre Dame Football Team Wins in their Faith in Jesus with Star Quarterback and Coach Freeman a Catholic Convert!

Pope Francis says " Crossing the Holy Door is not a magical act – Jesus Himself says, “I am the door” that expresses the desire – to start over, to begin again every day."

St. Ildephonsus : Archbishop of Toledo and Doctor of the Spanish Church - Saint of January 23

Pope Francis says "When used correctly, AI assists the human person in fulfilling his or her vocation" to World Economic Forum