
St. Blaise a Bishop Famous for Miraculous Healings and Known for Special Blessings of Throats! Saint February 3

WATCH a Catholic Movie Online - CATHERINE - Drama of a Visionary Nun in France!

Wow LISTEN to Music that Will Touch Your Soul "Adorna Thalamum" for the Presentation Feast or Candlemas by Lassus

Looking for Success? Say this Prayer to Our Lady of Good Success a Miracle Novena to Our Lady of Good Success!

Pope Francis says "Jesus is salvation, Jesus is light" and "welcome the gift of life and in encouraging young couples not to be afraid of bringing children into the world." FULL TEXT

Novena for the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in the Temple - Official Novena with Plenary Indulgence to Share!

Our Lady of Good Success - who Prophesized the Future of the Church! Feast Day February 2

Presentation Recipe : Candlemas Crepes Recipe - Easy to Make! with Variations

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life - Special Prayer Resources to Encourage Vocations!