
Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday February 4 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. John de Brito of Portugal who was an Early Jesuit Missionary in India - Saint February 4

St. Joseph of Leonessa : Capuchin Priest who Sometimes would Preach 7 Times a Day! Saint of February 4

Pope Francis Announces an Apostolic Exhortation on Children Following Leaders' Summit on Children’s Rights

Catholic Bishops' Conference in the Philippines Urges Abuse Reporting Following Release of Database of Names of Accused

MIRACLE Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes - A Powerful Prayer to Share!

Pope Francis says "our human family needs a unified witness to the reconciliation, healing and peace that can come only from God." FULL TEXT to Scandinavian Pilgrims

St. Anscar a Benedictine and Archbishop Known as the “Apostle of the North” ( #Scandinavia ) - Saint February 3

Canadian Bilingual Parish Rejoices as the Nuncio Joins them to Celebrate their Patronal Feast Day!

Pope Francis at World Leaders Summit for Children's Rights to Help "build a better world for children" at the Vatican - FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday February 3 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church with St Blaise Blessing