
Pope Francis Tells 250 Youth in Ukraine "Peace is built through dialogue." - "forgiveness is not easy, but we must keep moving forward and always forgive."

Pope Francis Sends Letter to Ukrainians - Marking 1,000 Days at War - and Prays that Peace will Return

Vatican's Cardinal Parolin Laments Russia's Absence at Swiss Peace Conference for Ukraine and Emphasizes Dialogue for Peace

BREAKING Vatican Clarifies that Pope Francis' Remarks on Ukraine Meant Negotiations not Surrender

Pope Francis to Ukrainians "Have no doubt, I pray for you! I hold you in my heart and ask God to have pity on this courageous populace."

Pope Francis' Letter to People Ukraine after 9 Months of War "Your pain is my pain. In the cross of Jesus today I see you, you who suffer the terror unleashed by this aggression."

Pope Francis says "The spiritual life is the relationship with the Living One, with God, the Living One..." and Makes Appeal for Peace in Ukraine - FULL TEXT + Video

Saint November 12 : St. Josaphat whose Pious Zeal made many Converts - an Archbishop and Martyr - Patron of Ukraine and Unity

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Receives Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk - Head of Ukraine's Greek Catholic Church at the Vatican

Pope Francis Meets the Head of the Catholic Church in Ukraine, Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk who said, "I am alive, this is the greatest miracle." - VIDEO